Headway Kent Enjoys Seal Safari Adventures Thanks to Wetwheels Southeast

Date: 18th September 2024

Headway Kent recently had the pleasure of experiencing two incredible Seal Safari trips, generously provided by Wetwheels Southeast. The first excursion set sail from Dover on a sunny day, with the English Channel calm and serene. The second trip, however, embarked under overcast skies, adding a dramatic backdrop to the adventure.

Both groups were captivated by the unique vantage point of seeing familiar towns and castles from the sea. Participants eagerly pointed out landmarks, home towns, and favourite pubs as they sailed. A highlight of both trips was the sight of a large seal colony at Pegwell Bay Nature Reserve. We initially expected to see  a few seals, however we were all treated to the delightful spectacle of close to a hundred seals basking on the sandbanks and enjoying the reserve's peaceful environment.

The day’s excitement was further enhanced by the chance for Headway Kent members to pilot the boat, with some taking the opportunity to make playful doughnuts in the sea. Special thanks go to clients Ben and Paul for safely steering the boat back to the harbour.

Despite the varying weather, the enthusiasm and enjoyment of all participants shone through, as reflected in the photos from the trips. Headway Kent extends heartfelt thanks to Wetwheels Southeast for their generosity and exceptional care, making these Seal Safari experiences truly memorable.