
Joining Headway Kent as a member is more than just a subscription; it's a commitment to transforming lives and supporting a vital cause. For only £25.00 a year, you can become part of a compassionate community dedicated to making a real difference for those affected by brain injury. Here's why you should sign up:

As a member, you’ll receive exclusive access to essential resources, updates, and information about brain injury support and advocacy. Stay informed about the latest research, events, and initiatives that can help you or your loved ones navigate the challenges of brain injury.

Membership connects you to a network of individuals, families, and organisations who understand the journey of brain injury recovery. Share experiences, offer support, and draw strength from a community that truly cares.

Your membership amplifies our collective voice, helping to raise awareness and influence policy changes that benefit brain injury survivors. Together, we can advocate for better services, funding, and recognition for those affected.

Enjoy invitations to special events, workshops, and support groups tailored to members. These gatherings provide valuable learning experiences and the chance to connect with experts and peers in the brain injury community.

Your membership fee directly supports our programmes and services, ensuring that no one faces the challenges of brain injury alone. Every contribution helps us provide critical support and resources to those in need.

By becoming a member, you’re joining a dedicated organisation with a longstanding commitment to improving lives. Your support helps us continue our mission to offer hope, help, and healing to brain injury survivors and their families.

Every member plays a crucial role in our mission. Your involvement ensures that Headway Kent can continue to expand its reach and impact, providing essential support to more people every year.

Become a member today and be part of a movement that brings hope and support to those who need it most. Your £25.00 membership is a powerful step towards building a brighter future for brain injury survivors and their families. Together, we can make a lasting difference.

Membership Form